Dr. Andrew Weil Speaks on Healthy Aging

I found this old article I wrote when Dr. Andrew Weil came to speak in Western MA. I continue to read his website Dr. Weil.com to learn about the latest in healthy eating and lifestyle practices that I should adopt into my daily routine. Andrew Weil, M.D., is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, a healing oriented approach to health care which encompasses body, mind, and spirit. You can read my 2005 review on his talk below. 

Dr. Andrew Weil, author of four New York Times #1 best sellers and founder of University of Arizona’s Health Sciences Program in Integrative Medicine, will be gracing the Chapin Auditorium at Mt. Holyoke College in South Hadley on Friday.

Weil started the integrative medicine movement (defined as an approach to medicine that recognizes the body’s self-healing ability, power of holistic medicine and concept of wellness in mind, body and spirit) mainly to promote the acceptance of aging in a wholesome manner and to abolish the stigma usually associated with it. In other words, be prepared to hear not only about traditional methods of healthy living, but a vast variety of interesting non-traditional methods, as well. Weil’s popularity has been spreading all across the nation, and he has recently appeared on “Oprah,” “the Today Show,” “20/20,” “Primetime News,” “60 Minutes” and “Larry King Live.”

The New York Times Magazine stated that Weil has “arguably become America’s best-known doctor, promoting self-help and alternative medicine across the country.” Weil was also on the cover of TIME Magazine on Oct. 17. The magazine featured an exclusive excerpt of his new book, “Healthy Aging,” which he will be discussing when he visits on Oct. 28.

The book discusses ways to change aspects of your life in order to experience healthy aging. The purpose of “healthy aging” in Weil’s perspective isn’t to help you live longer or grow younger; rather, the goal is ultimately to help people enjoy the benefits of old age.

Weil provides recommendations for what we can do as an aging population to achieve this goal. First off, he stresses the dangers of smoking and the importance of watching your weight. Weil states that “tobacco is the single greatest cause of preventable illness,” a fact that the majority of us are aware of but seem to ignore. Morbid obesity is also an area of concern according to Weil, because it “increases the risk of a number of age-related diseases, Type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis.” However, while being morbidly obese increases the risk of health problems as we age, it is actually better to be somewhat overweight compared to those who are too lean and unfit.

The staple of Weil’s book and message is outlined in his “Wellness Diet.” The Dr. Andrew Weil wellness diet, or the “Anti-Inflammatory Diet,” as he would like to call it, is based on increasing the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and cutting out processed and fast food. Weil hesitates to call it a “diet” because it isn’t intended to help you lose weight; rather, it is a nutritional component of a healthy lifestyle.

He encourages getting 40 to 50 percent of your daily calories from carbohydrates, 30 percent from fat and 20 to 30 percent from protein. The types of food eaten within each of these categories are the most crucial in promoting a healthy lifestyle. The carbohydrates should be made of more whole grain and less of wheat flour, which is found in most packaged foods. Fat should be consumed through avocados and nuts, especially walnuts, cashews and almonds. Weil strongly suggests avoiding margarine, vegetable oil and all products listing them as ingredients, as much as possible.

In order to consume your 20 to 30 percent protein intake you should eat more vegetable protein, especially from beans in general. Also, if you experience liver or kidney problems, have allergies or an autoimmune disease, you should eat less protein than suggested. Weil also lists fiber, vitamins, minerals and water among the key areas of nutrition we should all increase in our daily lives. In reference to the “Anti-Inflammatory Diet,” Weil believes that the food choices we make can determine whether or not we will have abnormal inflammation, which can lead to a wide range of diseases, such as Type 1 diabetes.

Dr. Weil’s appearance on Friday will be hosted by WFCR (88.5 FM,) a public radio station in western Massachusetts, and is made possible by Mount Holyoke College, The Valley Advocate and Baystate Health. In addition to the interview session, there will be a book signing at the event made possible by the Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley. Weil will be taking questions from the audience as well as being interviewed by Tom Vannah, editor of The Valley Advocate, and Dr. James Kirchhoffer, director of the cardiology program at Baystate Health.

Mark Auerbach, the special projects coordinator for WFCR, spoke enthusiastically about this event, “Dr. Weil has been on so many shows and has been written about in so many magazines that we expect there to be a huge turnout. This event will be especially fascinating because he is not simply reading from his book, he is answering questions from the audience. His book couldn’t have come out at a better time because everyone wants to age well, it is becoming a national concern, so to have a book that can help ease the panic associated with aging is definitely worth the read.”

General admission tickets are $50 for premium seating and a pre-event reception, $25 for orchestra and $20-$10 for balcony seating. You can have a copy of his book, “Healthy Aging” on hold waiting at the event for an extra $25. Tickets are available at the UMass Fine Arts Center Box Office.



The Letter to Henry Ford That Got One Executive Fired in 1926

January 1926, Ernest Kanzler wrote this eight-page memorandum to Henry Ford. In it Kanzler detailed his reasoning for replacing the aging Model T. While many other executives, including Ford’s son, Edsel, secretly agreed, Henry resisted. Kanzler was forced out — although the following year the last Model T rolled off the assembly line and was replaced with the new, modern Model A. 

After watching the Henry Ford documentary on PBS's American Experience I was so moved by Ernest Kanzler's  attempt to push Mr.Ford to invest in producing an intermediate model car that I had to find and write out the memorandum as I believe it to be a great case study in executive leadership and product development. I wrote out the text of the actual memorandum pages provided by the Henry Ford Foundation below with Kanzler's summary at the bottom as well. 

The memo showed and taught me many things. 

  • Executives, employees and even Henry Ford’s own son were all afraid to state their opinion about the business if they knew it varied significantly from Fords. They knew the consequences would be public embarrassment, complete disregard, or in Kanzler’s case to be fired and shunned from the company all together. 

  • Ford clearly had an enormous and fragile ego. In the documentary he was widely called a ‘monomaniacal' which can explain why Kanzler opened the memo with such lengthy praise and coddling. 

  • Innovation within the company could only come from one man and that was Ford. The memo itself showcases that notion, with Kanzler’s plea with Ford to act quickly on a six-cylinder engine car and save them all. 

I enjoyed reading this piece of history because in our professional lives we always face the dilemma of how to express our point of view in a large company with big personalities. Luckily, with the growing acceptance of entrepreneurial spirit and start-ups, companies are embracing, and even expecting this type of initiative from an employee. 

One piece of advice I would have given Ernest Kanzler before sending the memo to Ford would be to remove any instance where he shows that the whole company was talking about him and his lack of foresight into building a intermediate model car. No one in a place of power managing thousands of employees wants to hear that they are not only being talked about behind their back, but about the flaws in their business acumen and product roadmap.

I did admire and respect Kanzler’s memo and I thought he did a good job of showing the current landscape, the problems and concerns, the solution and the value in his plan. 

My Favorite Points From The Memo:

  1. The Model X will be extraordinary. Let’s give it the time and attention it deserves by launching an intermediate model now and reap all the benefits: beating our competitors, driving competition among engineerings therefore increasing productivity, increasing our revenue/cost savings. 

  2. Higher price doesn’t matter, our customers want six-cylinders cars and they’re going to buy them from our competitors. 

  3. The world learned from you and you opened the door for others to innovate but we are now falling behind and must do as they do. 

  4. “The advantage of this memorandum is that I can write certain things that I find it difficult to say to you. It is one of the handicaps of the power of your personality which you perhaps least of all realize, but most people when with you hesitate to say what they think.” — Kanzler

  5. We got our butts kicked in England.

What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts after you read the memo and summary below:

January 26, 1926

This memorandum is given you so that I can feel that I have dealt honestly and squarely with the responsibility you have given me. It hurts me to write it because I am afraid it may change your feelings for me, and that you may think me unsympathetic and lacking in confidence in your future plans.

Please, Mr. Ford, understand that I realize fully that you have built up this whole business, that it has been your battle and your creation and that all of the Company’s successes day after day regardless by whom personally conducted are nevertheless a direct result of your conception and will really be your personal accomplishment for many years even after your lifetime.

Any powers I may have are mostly due to the opportunities you have given me and have not created in me any exaggerated ideas about myself. You have allowed me to play with the throttle of your engine. That’s all.

From things you have said you above all others recognize the need for:

A.    An intermediate care

B.    Greater power, smoothness, refinement of the Model T type of car

C.     Something for European requirements

1. If we face the facts we must know that there is little chance for the production of a tried and thoroughly tested X type car within eighteen months which would not be before the summer of 1927.

            Those of us who have been privileged to follow the X development look into the future and hope for great things, BUT, and this is what worries me, I feel that there should also be other development in process on a power unit along conventional lines so that we would have if necessary a power unit to maintain our position in the automobile field until the X motor is perfected – something which will serve until you will have been given a fair chance to produce the X motors to their final stages of development so that when once adopted they will lead all others for another twenty years like the Model T.

            Such a motor can be installed in the intermediate cars and hold this market for us against competition until such time as we would sweep all before us with your revolutionary ‘X’ power plant substituted when its perfection has been achieved.

2. While there is every logical engineering argument in favor of the X type, yet we have all our eggs in one basket. It might take much longer than expected to get it perfected and until it should perform greatly better than the present conventional sizes the public will hardly welcome the change.

3. I know of no one who feels more deeply than you the obligation to 180 odd thousand employees who have started to make their life-work with this company.

4. I think there will always be a field for 4000 or 5000 Model T’s per day, but I do not think the Model T will continue to be a satisfactory product to maintain our position in the automobile field until the X models shall have been developed.

            We have made over 100 million dollars the last two years each and will probably make 100 million next year, BUT

            We have not gone ahead in the last few years, have barely held our own, whereas competition has made great strides. You have always said you either go forward or backwards, you can’t stand still.

5. In the past twelve months the other manufacturers have gained tremendously. Our production and sales in 1925 were less than in 1924.

Our Ford customers, particularly the Two and Four door customer, are going to other manufacturers, and our best dealers are low in morale and not making the money they used to.

            In spite of the higher prices, the public are choosing six-cylinder cars. In 1924 fourteen makers sold 30% as many sixes as we sold Fords. In 1925 these same makers sold 54% as many six-cylinder cars as we sold Fords – and each one of these fourteen increased his sales, some 400%.

6. There may be theoretical engineering objections to a six, but in every one I have ever driven there has been a most satisfactory smoothness and power range entirely different from and far superior to 4-cylinder performance and almost as good as the Lincoln. This is not only my view, but also that of the public as demonstrated by the way they have opened their pocketbooks to buy sixes.

Practically every man in your organization to whom you have entrusted the greatest responsibility hold the same opinion.

7. This same opinion has been cautiously expressed at different times by certain Ford executives whose opinion merely as automobile purchasers has great value. These men are all in favor of the X type when completed, but feel a great danger if it is not almost immediately available.

8. We spend millions in advertising, millions in extra dividends on investment certificates, millions in additions, therefore, could we not spend 1/10 of one percent of last year’s earnings to help insure our dominance in the field and that we can keep all of our employees busy, allowing the X motors the time necessary for thorough development.

9. Could we not carry out your ideas that the product must be made right as expressed in your page of the January 16th, 1926 Dearborn Independent.

Won’t you permit the organization to develop a fined 6-cylinder motor without imposing in any way on the time of those working on the X motors. Such a power plant would never be used unless its performance satisfies you that it has real merit.

10. Even if such experimental motor would cost $100,000.00 to design and work out it would show you what kind of an engineering outfit the company could product. If nothing else, let us try it out on the English market.

11. Moreover, this idea would quickly develop a fine spirit of competition between the workmen on the straight sixes and X-6 parts and designs which would bring out the best in everybody to the undoubted best interests of the company.

12. It is fair to say that with all the difficulties of the new body designs, the dual high transmission, the Fordson truck, the Fordson bus, all Lincoln engineering, and the new front axle, steering gear, rear axle, spring suspension, body design, and transmission of the intermediate car that there is much more work ahead than the organization as at present constituted in Dearborn can handle satisfactorily.

            The advantage of this memorandum is that I can write certain things that I find it difficult to say to you. It is one of the handicaps of the power of your personality which you perhaps least of all realize, but most people when with you hesitate to say what they think.

13. It is unique in the commercial history of the world that one man should run away with the field as you have done in the motor industry. We have had a wonderful head start because your first designs of a car were 20 years ahead of the world, as well as your methods of production and marketing. 

            But we are losing our position because the world has learned from you and with its combined efforts each learning from the other it has now developed a product that is alarmingly absorbing the public’s purchasing power.

14. The best evidence that conditions are not right is in the fact that with most of the bigger men in the organization there is a growing uneasiness because things are not right – they feel our position weakening and our grip slipping. We are no longer sure that when we plan increased facilities that they will be used. The buoyant spirit of confident expansion is lacking. And we know we have been defeated and licked in England. And we are being caught up in the United States. With every additional car our competitors sell they get stronger and we get weaker.

Even on the basis of equal design value we could still out-distance all competition because of our ‘from mind to finished car’ ability to produce and unified ownership. But with our competitor’s volume increasing they are rapidly approaching our formerly unique powers of producing at lowest cost. Inwardly we are alarmed to see our advantage ebbing way, knowing that the counter-measures to prevent it are not immediately at hand. We all realize that an epoch making motor such as we expect the X lines to be cannot be the product of an immediate future.

 This feeling exists not outwardly, but I will stake my reputation it exists in every important man in the Company. I, personally, have helped to stamp this feeling down wherever it has tried to break through.

            The writing of this has not been pleasing, Mr. Ford, but I have always tried to tell you what I see and feel.

            These thoughts have been uppermost in my mind this last year and I cannot keep from expressing them any longer.

Sincerely, Ernest Kanzler 

Memorandum Summary Provided By Ernest Kanzler:

1. New product necessary. Doubtful whether X motor with its new problems can be gotten ready as fast as we need it.

2. All eggs in one basket.

3. Responsibility to our employees.

4. Model T will not carry us until X lines are ready.

5. Competition rapidly coming closer to us because absorbing customers whom we have developed.

6. We can build a six cheaper than all competitors’ costs and is what public wants.

7. Our whole organization in favor of it.

8. Designing costs not an item.

9. Will not interfere with X development.

10. Will develop Engineering personnel.

11. Competition among workmen will speed up motors.

12. Give time to develop the X model to outstanding leadership.

13. Present Engineering organization very inadequate to keep pace with Tractor, Fordson truck, Fordson bus, Lincoln chassis and bodies, and intermediate chassis and body departments plus cutting corners on present design to reduce costs on all above.

14. Former unique position being lost.












My Daily Skincare Routine: Simplicity + High-Quality Products

I am NOT a morning person — and that’s fine because Fast Company co-signs: Why You Shouldn’t Force Yourself To Be A Morning Person. But, I am a coffee person (a strong french roast, foamed milk with honey and a spoonful of collagen powder). So, with my gigantic cup of coffee in hand, my morning routine begins each day.

The main goal here is to look my absolute glowing best with the least amount of time and effort. Below I outline my step by step to a fast and easy put-together face:

  1. Wash face with a drop of your favorite face wash added to your Konjac Sponge. I love La Mer Cleansing Foam but I have also discovered Acure Organics Sensitive Facial Cleanser and I think its amazing, especially for the price of $10! The Konjac Sponge can help naturally cleanse, exfoliate, and nourish skin. It has been used in Asian cultures for over 2,000 years and is made with the Konjac root, a fiber that is known for its weightless properties when consumed. The Wellness Mama writes:

Konjac naturally nourishes with vitamins A, B, C, D and E, proteins, lipids, fatty acids, copper, zinc, iron, and magnesium. This wonder veggie even has antioxidants and has historically been used to suppress tumors. Unlike other exfoliators that harm the environment, konjac is completely natural, non-toxic, and biodegradable (no harmful plastic microbeads needed!)

Many Brands Sell Konjac Sponges — This one is $15 on Sephora.com

2. After cleansing I dry my face and use a cotton ball to apply toner to close my pores and leave a smooth clean surface for moisturizer and makeup. My favorite toner is by Aesop: B & Tea Balancing Toner. A more cost effective toner than also works wonders (and smells amazing!) is the Coconut Face Toner by Everyday Coconut.

3. Next up is moisture. In the winter I need a little bit more help so I first apply the Acure Day Cream , it offers serious protection against environmental damage and free radicals, thanks to an infusion of chlorella growth factor and gotu kola stem cells. But it doesn’t have SPF so make sure you have protection in your BB cream or apply it separately to protect your precious skin from the sun. In winter months I skip day cream all together and use face oil instead.

I use my favorite face oil from Dermalogica, the Phyto Replenish Oil. It is a little pricey at $75 a bottle but so far that bottle has lasted me 6 months and I use it everyday. On the back of my hand I squeeze a bean sized amount of Nars Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer Broad Spectrum SPF 30 in Alaska and add a drop of the Phyto Replenish Oil then mix together and all over my face including under the eye and my neck.

4. I use a bit of concealer under my eyes, under my eyebrow arc, around my nose and down my nose for light contouring. I honestly have always used L’Oreal Magic Lumi Highlighter with Cover Girl Ready, Set Gorgeous Concealor work wonders and is super inexpensive!

5. For my brows I started using LashFood’s ‘24H Tri-Feather Brow Pen’ and its really helping the growth of my eyebrows while adding subtle structure to my face. When i’m on the go I don’t bother with anything on my eyes except a couple swipes of a multi-purpose mascara. This one not only goes on easily but is working to strengthen my lashes too: LashFood’s ‘Conditioning Drama’ mascara.

6. Last comes bronzer and illuminator stick. Dermablend works wonders in the summer and gives you that natural sun kissed look that hides the fact you’ve been stuck in the office all day. Last comes the Nars Multi-Purpose Stick in Orgasm (classic color) on the cheeks, down the nose and a dab in the middle of the forehead for good luck.

And there you have it. Simple, easy, routine for a light natural look! What is your routine? Do you have any tips or insight into easy and fast products you love you’d like to share? I would love to hear from you!

Have A Great Day!

Follow me: @mostlynina

Nina’s Beauty Muffins : Collagen Powder is Magic

My mother is a huge resource for healthy eating and lifestyle habits. When she moved to Boston alone as a 16 year old girl from Iran she did what any teenager would do — she binged on fast food. After many months of eating pizza, french fries and donuts, she found herself feeling unhealthy and with a serious case of psoriasis. After trying the western route of harmful medicines and treatments, she decided she needed to heal herself from the inside out by changing her eating and exercise habits.

Today, we have regular catch up calls (I live in NYC) about life, family and —  her latest health and beauty discovery (Lucky me!) This time around it was about the wonderful world of odorless, tasteless Collagen Powder. 

Collagen Powder is the latest supplement on the tongue of every beauty brand and health guru. Powdered collagens are the hydrolyzed form of gelatin, meaning that the proteins are broken down into individual peptide (amino acid) chains so the powdered collagen doesn’t gel like gelatin. 

As an excellent source of protein and calcium Collagen contributes to glowing skin, growing hair and stronger nails. It not only supports skin elasticity (smaller pores) and combating the signs of aging (less wrinkles) but it also great for digestion and joint/bone health. 

Some ways I consume collagen powder (Two tablespoons full)daily are:
- My morning coffee or tea at night (Tart cherry tea recipe to come)
- Smoothies
- Glow Soup (Post with recipe to come)
- Beauty Muffins (Recipe below)
- In anything..no really, since it has no taste or smell and dissolves right away you can literally add this powder to whatever food or drink you want!

Nina’s Beauty Muffins Recipe

Makes about 9 Muffins
1 ¾ cups fine almond flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon fine grain sea salt
3 Tablespoons of chia seeds + 1 Teaspoon for muffin tops (or however much you like)
2 big tablespoons of collagen powder*
3 tablespoons of honey
4 Tablespoons melted coconut oil
1 Teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 large banana, mashed
2 handfuls of berry of your choice
almond milk (or regular milk) to add wetness as needed

*I used Great Lakes Gelatin Collagen Hydrolysate — pure unflavored kosher beef from Thrivemarket.com.

Beauty Muffins ready to go! My berry of choice on this day was Raspberry

Beauty Muffins ready to go! My berry of choice on this day was Raspberry

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a 9-cup muffin pan with unbleached parchment liners. (or don’t use any liners like I did in the image)
In a large bowl, whisk together almond flour, baking soda, salt, collagen and 3 Tablespoons chia seeds.
In a bowl, combine coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, honey, eggs, and vanilla — place in a bigger bowl with hot water to keep coconut oil melted so all ingredients combine seamlessly.
Pour wet mixture into bowl with dry ingredients and stir until nicely combined. Fold in mashed bananas and blueberries, add milk if needed to create better consistency
Divide the batter into the prepared pan, 3/4 filled in. Add teaspoon of chia seeds to top of each muffic. Bake for about 55 minutes (I like them well done). Take them out, drizzle coconut oil on top of each muffin so the top is glazed. 
Let cool — Enjoy!

Voila! I topped them off with some coconut flakes — they have a nice brown color from the coconut oil

Voila! I topped them off with some coconut flakes — they have a nice brown color from the coconut oil

Voila! I topped them off with some coconut flakes — they have a nice brown color from the coconut oil

Thanks guys, you can shop Collagen Powder items below - and as always I would love to hear from you and your experience with Collagen Powder!


Hyaluronic Acid: A vital youth-supporting moisturizer

I discovered this magic hydrator after my experience with the infamous ‘Vampire Facial’ aka Microneedling with PRP.

I'll write a post about my experience having my blood taken and rubbed all over my face in the name of beauty, but in the meantime you can read about the magical substance that soothed and hydrated my skin after the blood bath.

After the Microneedling my face felt super tight and raw. Aftercare included not touching my face, sleeping with the plasma on through the night ala American Psycho (my boyfriend was terrified), washing it gently with water in the morning, staying out of the sun and only applying Hyaluronic acid each day for the next 3 days. The consistency of the product is akin to water and it feels light and cooling on the face, leaves no oily residue and dries in seconds once applied.

I have continued to use Hyaluronic acid after the treatment and began reading more about it. Hyaluronic acid is a lubricating fluid that’s naturally found in the skin, eyes, joints, fluid and connective tissue. It's been described as the ‘key molecule involved in skin moisture’ and is capable of holding up to 1,000 time its weight in water .

The Key Benefits of Consuming and Applying Hyaluronic Acid:

  1. A powerful humectant (aka moisture-binding ingredient) that keeps skin plump and hydrated and, yes, young-looking.

  2. Increases hydration, improves elasticity and also reverses free radical damage.

  3. It’s present in large amounts in the spaces between skin cells, where it provides moisture, plumpness, firmness and suppleness to the skin.

  4. It works to prevent and reduce age spots and pigmentation issues.

  5. It is vital to joint health either in pill form or as an injectable directly into the joint.

Shop some great products with Hyaluronic Acid below!

Please leave any questions or comments as I would love to hear from you!